Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a difference a day

or two makes. Thursday gave us six inches plus of wet snow. Saturday it's gone. Ain't Ioway something? I'm surprised and glad it's already melted and gone. The grass will green up soon, and then the mowing begins. We're ready, it's been a long winter.

Another good way to insure yourself against auto accidents is to take the plane.

One good turn gets most of the blanket.

March came in like a lamb, but we may get heavy rain on Monday. There surely should be enough moisture to get the grass going.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Double your pleasure double your fun.


The darn picture of the snow won't upload. Bad day all around.

The picture

Winter Ain't Over Yet

The storm that was forecast to be on the Iowa Minnesota border, came south instead, and left us with six plus inches of wet, heavy snow. We had been starting to dry out, but there is a lot of moisture in this stuff. Iowa weather stinks.

A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter and Birthdays

My birthday falls on Easter this year. I missed it the last time in 1913, and will surely miss the next time. It will be over 200 years before it happens again. Damn !!

I apparently hit a key I shouldn't have, hence the abbreviated posting. Lousy typing, or maybe the keyboard moved.

Since most accidents happen in the home and in traffic, the surest way to be safe is to leave home ans sell your car.

Barbecued last night in a little snow, and of course, ran out of gas too.
My birthday falls on Easter this year, first time since 1913. I missed that one by a few years and probably

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Motot Bikes and Birthdays

I built motor scooter in about 1998 and a motor bike in 1999. I have ridden the bike on my birthday every year since 99. The enclosed clip is from 2007. This year's weather forecast doesn't sound very promising. I may miss this 2008. Mostly I wanted to post a clip to see how it would go. I have downloaded a program to shrink the file down to a reasonable size.

Remember, the bigger the menu, the smaller the portions.

If Obama disagreed so much with his minister, why in the world didn,t he walk out during the "God damn America" tirade?

Monday, March 17, 2008

I had a pickup just like this in the late forties. Same color, air conditioning was crank the windows up or down, power steering was a big steering wheel. I did put a radio in it with the speaker in the ceiling so it could be heard over the engine and air conditioner noise. It was a 1937 model, so it would be 70+ years old today. I'd guess it rusted away years ago, or maybe turned into a tank or something in World War II.

A city couple from the East went to Ireland to visit a distant cousin. After miles down a narrow road they came to his little farm. After small talk the farmer offered to show them around. The visitors asked if he would show them how he fed the pigs. Of course, he said and went to the back of the barn and came back carrying a pig. He went to an apple tree, held the pig up while it ate a couple of apples, then went back to get another pig and did the same thing again. The city folks asked him if this wasn't terribly time consuming. Oh, he said, what's time to a pig.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring ???

We're thinking spring may be just around the corner here in Iowa. The surface of the driveway is visible for the first time since December first. It has been covered by ICE and snow from that time on. The air is clear and smog free, and one can step out to the deck and take a deep breath without a cough in a carload, so to speak. Who among you remembers "cough in a carload" ???

It looks like women are their own worst enemy. The first chance that I can remember for them to prove or disprove that a woman could do a better job of running the country, and they seem to be letting that chance slip by. The glass ceiling won't disappear doing it this way. It may be years and years for this opportunity to come around again.