Sunday, April 6, 2008

The weather

here in Iowa is the usual cloudy stuff we always seem to get this time of year. We are waiting to go from winter to summer, skipping Spring altogether.

John McCain is starting to look better every day. He is not talking about bailing everyone out who didn't pay attention to what they were getting into, with big mortgages on houses that were too big as well. If Uncle Sam can bail out Bear Sterns, he can theoretically bail out everyone, which means the tax payer is on the hook big time. It doesn't seem right that people should be rewarded for bad behavior. Being liberal is OK, but there is also a limit. One wonders what would happen if everyone decided not to pay their credit card bill, mortgage payment, car payment etc.

Every family needs two cars--ask the family that owns one.

When you need advice, everyone is ready to help you; when you need help, everyone is ready to advise you.

1 comment:

Texas said...

Hello from Texas. The air conditioner has been turned on and summer has begun. It will soon be hot all the time. Jacob will soon be home from UT.