Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The weather

has been really great for the last while. No storms and ideal temps. Makes one wonder how long it can last.
I also wonder now and then why Obama is called the black candidate. His mother was white so it's a fifty fifty deal. Maybe we need a new name for people like him. How about whack or blite. We were supposed to quit the old rule about one drop and you're black.

Every person has a unique tongue print.
Howdy Doody had 48 freckles.
More stuff that everyone should know.


Texas said...

Weather is hot here. Still time for Elizabeth to go swimming with her grandfather. Did get some rain so the grass looks better. I have given up on politics so have nothing to say about either candidate. Will be an interesting election.

Marla said...

Glad you are having great weather! We are in Flagstaff right now so it is nice here, too. But, this afternoon we head back to triple digits. :-(

Go Obama-Biden!